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Ancient Chinese people used bronze for spears periodically. They traded small lumps of bronze for goods.

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They made vessels, vases, tools, and arrows out of bronze.

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They made jewelry and pottery out of bronze.

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Q: How did the Chinese use bronze for during the bronze age?
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What did the Shang Dynasty accomplish?

The Shang Dynasty accomplished four main things in effecting today's Chinese culture. 1)They developed and origionated what is now known today as Chinese manuscript 2)The Shang also passed down the political system known as a heirarchy. 3)The Shang Dynasty excisted during China's bronze age, and so they passed on Bronze Technology. 4)Lastly, the use of chariot and bronze weapons in warfare, was also passed down to the Chinese.

Why was the Copper Age important?

Originally defined as a transitional period between the Neolithic Age and the Bronze Age, the Copper Age (or Chalcolithic Age, or Eneolithic Age) is now regarded to be part of the Bronze Age because it is characterized by the use of metals. It was during this time period that early metallurgists found that the addition of tin to copper produced the harder metal, bronze.

Who was the first person to make bronze in the bronze age?

No one really knows who were the first people to use and make bronze. But it wasused in the bronze age, it was used 5000 years ago. But we still use it today.

Why are no periods of history called the Bronze age?

There are periods in history that are referred to as the Bronze Age, such as the Ancient Near East's Bronze Age (3300-1200 BCE) and the British Isles' Bronze Age (2500-800 BCE). These periods are named after the widespread use of bronze for tools, weapons, and ornaments. However, not all regions or cultures had a distinct period referred to as the "Bronze Age" because the adoption and use of bronze varied across different areas and time periods.

What sources do historians use in order to understand the history of the civilizations in the Late Bronze Age?

source to understand bronze age in early China

Related questions

How are Chinese best remembered for the use of bronze?

They use bronze with their war armor

What age was bronze invented new or old stone age?

The epochs are normally classified according to the technology that came into use during that time. This strongly suggests that bronze was invented at the very beginning of the Bronze Age.

Did stone age men use bronze hammers?

No, stone age men did not use bronze hammers. Bronze was developed later in human history, during the Bronze Age, around 3300 BCE. Stone age men primarily used tools and weapons made out of materials such as flint, obsidian, and bone.

Why is Bronze age called Bronze age?

The bronze age is called that because the use of copper and tin were used in that time period.

What did the Shang Dynasty accomplish?

The Shang Dynasty accomplished four main things in effecting today's Chinese culture. 1)They developed and origionated what is now known today as Chinese manuscript 2)The Shang also passed down the political system known as a heirarchy. 3)The Shang Dynasty excisted during China's bronze age, and so they passed on Bronze Technology. 4)Lastly, the use of chariot and bronze weapons in warfare, was also passed down to the Chinese.

What did the Shang accomplish?

The Shang Dynasty accomplished four main things in effecting today's Chinese culture. 1)They developed and origionated what is now known today as Chinese manuscript 2)The Shang also passed down the political system known as a heirarchy. 3)The Shang Dynasty excisted during China's bronze age, and so they passed on Bronze Technology. 4)Lastly, the use of chariot and bronze weapons in warfare, was also passed down to the Chinese.

What came after the stone age people?

After the Stone Age, people entered the Bronze Age, characterized by the use of bronze tools and weapons. This was followed by the Iron Age, during which iron tools and weapons became predominant. Each age marked advancements in technology, social organization, and cultural development.

What age followed the stone age?

The Bronze Age followed the Stone Age. It is characterized by the widespread use of bronze tools and weapons, which were made by alloying copper with tin.

What were ancient china weapons made of?

Ancient China spans over 5000 years, which period are we talking about? There was the Bronze age : bronze a mix of copper and tin The Iron age The fire/Guns age: Chinese started use gun powder as early as the 1400's .

When was iron tools invented?

Iron tools have been in use since around 1200 BCE, during the Iron Age. They replaced the softer bronze tools that were used during the preceding Bronze Age.

Why was the Copper Age important?

Originally defined as a transitional period between the Neolithic Age and the Bronze Age, the Copper Age (or Chalcolithic Age, or Eneolithic Age) is now regarded to be part of the Bronze Age because it is characterized by the use of metals. It was during this time period that early metallurgists found that the addition of tin to copper produced the harder metal, bronze.

What did they use copper for in the bronze age?

As an alloy with tin to create bronze.