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it focused solely on the cities and the working class

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Q: How did the Chinese communist party adapt its ideology and strategy during its long struggle to power?
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How did Chinese communist strategy for political revolution differ from communist strategy?

The Chinese focused on organizing peasants. The Soviets focused on organizing factory workers.

How did Chinese communist strategy for political revolution differ from soviet communist strategy.?

The Chinese focused on organizing peasants. The Soviets focused on organizing factory workers.

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The Chinese focused on organizing peasants. The Soviets focused on organizing factory workers.

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Why does the Chinese flag have stars?

The four smaller stars on the Chinese flag represent the four social classes: the working class, the peasantry, the urban petite bourgeoisie, and the national bourgeoisie. The large star symbolizes the Communist Party of China. This design reflects the country's communist ideology and the unity of the people under the party's leadership.

When was the Chinese communist party born?

The Chinese Communist Party was born in 1921.

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the Chinese communist party existed for 82 years.

What factors contributed to the communist victory in the Chinese Civil War?

Answer this question… Communist propaganda convinced many Chinese that the government was a corrupt dictatorship.

What city is the birthplace of the Chinese Communist Party?

Answer:The birthplace of Chinese Communist Party--Shanghai mao

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