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Q: How did the British try to gain loyalty of the French?
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In mass effect 2 i failed thane's mission where you try and stop his son can i still gain his loyalty?

No, each character's loyalty mission is the only way to gain their loyalty. If you failed Thane's, then there is no way to make him loyal.

Invading the British Isles?

You can try, but first ask the Spanish, French and Germans.

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the British were concerned because you need to look in your social studies textbook.Especially you angel and olvin lmaoo got you.

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Try British stores such as Spinneys or French supermarkets such as Abela's.

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The Native Americans helped both the French and the British. . . . .. the Iriqois helped the french and the mohawk helped the British. I hope this helps :)

Why did the spanish and the and the british try to seize saint-domingue during the french revolution?

Because the French were too busy with their own revolution to fight for their colony.

Why did the spanish and british try to seize saint domingue during the french revolution?

Because the French were too busy with their own revolution to fight for their colony.

Why was the quebec act important?

Well apart from extending Québec's territory, it allowed the people of Québec to practice the Catholic faith, free of Protestant influence. It also allowed the people to use French civil law for private matters, even though English common law was still in use for all public affairs.

What did the Albany congress try to create?

The Albany Congress tried to find a plan to protect themselves (The Colonists and the British) from the French.

Why did the British attack Washington D.C. during the civil war?

First of all the British wren't in the civil war. It was the North vs. the South. The South attacked Washington D.C. to try to gain control.

Why did totalitarian governments try to win the loyalty of their young nation?


Why did totalitarian governments try to win the loyalty of their young people?
