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by raising Income taxes, Because they wouldnt afford food any longer

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Q: How did the British government use the colonies to raise revenue Why did this anger this anger the colonists?
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What arguments did the colonist use to support their call for independence?

- Life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness- King George III violated the rights of the colonists by taxing and passing unfair laws; British army violated the colonists rights too- colonists had the right to break away from Britain because the government should protect the people, but King George III didn't do that.

How was stationing British troops in America related to British taxation of the colonists?

Stationing Britsh troops in America was related to the British taxation of the colonists because it was very costly to get the troops there and to support them. So, Britain needed another source of revenue to support their troops, and the best source they could find was the money the colonists had. So Britain taxed the colonists with various taxes such as the Stamp Act and the Townshend Act in order to aquire a new source of revenue in order to fund their troops presence in the colonies.

Why did the British choose to tax American colonists?

because they needed a way of revenue, or income.

What were the goals of the stamp act and what did it accomplish?

It was supposed to increase the tax revenue of the British Government by levying a tax on the tea shipped to the American Colonists. We all know how that turned out, don't we?

What was the effects of stamp act?

The Stamp Act of 1765 was imposed on the colonists by the British. The stamps affixed to various goods raised revenue for the British. The colonists were enraged--even protested in the streets.

Related questions

What cruel punishment did the colonists do to british tax?

The colonists did not inflict any punishment, cruel or otherwise, on British tax.Tax is government form of revenue and cannot be punished

What arguments did the colonist use to support their call for independence?

- Life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness- King George III violated the rights of the colonists by taxing and passing unfair laws; British army violated the colonists rights too- colonists had the right to break away from Britain because the government should protect the people, but King George III didn't do that.

Was the revenue that Great Britain hoped to raise in the colonies required to have an official stamp on it?

was needed by British government to pay its depts

What required colonist to attach tax stamps to newspapers and legal documents?

The Stamp Act of 1765 required colonists to attach tax stamps to newspapers and legal documents in order to raise revenue for the British government and to help cover the costs of maintaining British troops in the American colonies.

How was stationing British troops in America related to British taxation of the colonists?

Stationing Britsh troops in America was related to the British taxation of the colonists because it was very costly to get the troops there and to support them. So, Britain needed another source of revenue to support their troops, and the best source they could find was the money the colonists had. So Britain taxed the colonists with various taxes such as the Stamp Act and the Townshend Act in order to aquire a new source of revenue in order to fund their troops presence in the colonies.

What was the british policy of mercantilism?

Government should regulate the trade to increase revenue and power. Colonies should serve the mother country. Mother country served by selling manufactured goods to the colonies.

Who was most affected by the townshend acts?

The Townshend Acts were passed by Parliament to tax the British colonies in America. The purpose of the tax was to raise revenue in the colonies to pay for the governor's and judge's salaries. The taxes most affected the colonists in America who had to pay the taxes.

Why did the British government seek to raise revenue in the American colonies?

The reason the British Government raised revenue for the colonies was because they spent a lot of money during the French and Indian War. So the British thought that it would be okay to tax them becausr they were part of the War

Why did the British choose to tax American colonists?

because they needed a way of revenue, or income.

What were the goals of the stamp act and what did it accomplish?

It was supposed to increase the tax revenue of the British Government by levying a tax on the tea shipped to the American Colonists. We all know how that turned out, don't we?

What was the effects of stamp act?

The Stamp Act of 1765 was imposed on the colonists by the British. The stamps affixed to various goods raised revenue for the British. The colonists were enraged--even protested in the streets.

Why did differences between British officials and colonists over revenue-raising measures lead to a fundamental conflict over political authority within the colonies?

because the british officials wanted to sell grain outside of america, but the colonists believed that trading outside of america was bad and could truly harm their already weak economy.