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The Brits looked at Australia, saw it was big and hot and very far away, and decided to send most of the people in their overcrowded jails over in boats to get them out of England. So a lot of the first white people over here were convicts. Some were also settlers though, looking to get away from England because it was so crowded. Today the Queen of England still appoints the Governor-General, but this position is mostly ceremonial. The descendants of the British population still eat meat pies, obsess about racing and watch some British TV; and the legal system is definitely designed off the British one. ALSO Australia is still part of the Commonwealth, i.e. Queen Elizabeth II is head of state. The First Fleet was sent to Australia and there were ships full of convicts and governors. They came and settled down here and today if you go around dowtown Sydney you can still see those narrow roads in some places. They also influenced our laws and our parliament.

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Q: How did the British first come to Australia and how did the influence of that country remain strong in Australia today?
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