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Q: How did the Boston tea party effect Georgia?
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What is the day and date that the Boston Tea Party went into effect and when did it end?

what is the date of the boston tea party

What was the effect of tea act?

The people of the colonies threw the tea in to the Boston Harbor. We have called this the Boston Tea Party.

How did the Boston Tea Party effect the revolutinary war?

We still do not know about that yet but we do know a lot more about the boston tea party.

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They used it to inspire the Boston Tea Party.

Did oglethorpe found savannah georgia before or after the boston tea party?

James Oglethorpe founded Savannah, Georgia 40 years before the Boston Tea Party took place. He founded Savannah on February 12, 1733. The Boston Tea Party took place on December 16, 1773.

What was the Boston tea party called?

the boston tea party..........

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The Boston tea party

The effect of the Boston Tea Party?

the effect was all the white men and black men dumped tea on each other

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Did The Intolerable Acts lead to the Boston Tea Party?

No, the Intolerable Acts was a result of the Boston Tea Party. The Tea Act led to the Boston Tea Party

When 300 chest of the tea were dumped into Boston harbor what was the event called?

the Boston tea party

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Boston tea party