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The Berlin Blockade of 1948-1949 and the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1961 contributed to the Cold War in one similar way: both served as 'close-calls' for worldwide conflict between democratic and communist nations. A difference between the two events, however, is found in what followed each: the Berlin Blockade was followed by increased tensions between the world's super-powers, while the Cuban Missile Crisis was followed (if only temporarily) by decreased tensions.

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Basically, it was a stand-off between Russia and America. Cuba was just a pawn. The American President, John F. Kennedy, held firm, and (thankfully) Russia blinked first, and turned round the ships carrying Russian missiles that had been on route to Cuba.

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Because it didn't escalate to hostilities.

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The Berlin Blockade symbalized Asian Communism

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Q: How did the Berlin blockade and the Cuban missile crisis contribute to the cold war?
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