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Australian's showed "comradeship" (mateship?) in the same manner that other fighting men did; they laughed, played, ate, lived and fought together. Living daily routines together, over periods of months, will develope living creatures into a form of society. In the case of "fighting men" (in today's jargon "warriors"), it is a society of BROTHERS.

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Q: How did the Australian troops show mateship in the Vietnam war?
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Did black people have to fight in the Vietnam War?

Of course! Everybody has to fight the Vietnam War because they wanted to stop the Battle and they have to show some guts to fight in the Vietnam War.

Liberty bonds allowed Americans to show patriotism because they?

Helped support troops

Did President Truman's decisions in Vietnam show a change in his policy over time?

President Truman was out of office for a full 3 years before we sent as much as an advisor to Vietnam in 1956. Dwight Eisenhower sent the first Americans to Vietnam.

How did the US extricate ourselves from Vietnam?

Nixon had been elected on a promise to end the war - to start bringing home American troops. Nixon was also to embark on a policy of Vietnamisation, meaning that the South Vietnamese army would be allowed gradually to do more and more of the fighting for itself. However, the President was completely unsure how to actually get the troops out of the country, so he decided that the first thing to do would be to show the North Vietnamese that he was not giving up. But when Nixon ordered US troops into Cambodia to capture Viet Cong field bases, and ordered even more bombing of North Vietnam, there was a tremendous uproar at home with marches, protests and demonstrations. At Kent State University in Ohio, the National Guard even opened fire on a student demonstration, resulting in the deaths of four students. So Nixon tried to pressure North Vietnam into coming to the debating table, to arrange a ceasefire. He was determined that he would not become the first US President to ever lose a war, so whilst he realised that without US support South Vietnam could not last long, he also knew that it had to survive long enough to look like it's own fault when it ultimately fell to the Communists. The North Vietnamese peace negotiator Le Duc Tho finally commenced peace talks with the USA in late 1972, and In January of 1973 the Paris Peace Accords went into effect. The US agreed to withdraw all its troops from Vietnam, whilst the North Vietnamese government agreed to release all US prisoners. Free elections were to be held in Vietnam for the first time in over 20 years. However, the President Theiu of South Vietnam considered the agreement between North Vietnam and the US to be a sell out, since he knew that Nixon knew his country could not survive - even his own people hated him. But it allowed President Nixon to bring the soldiers home and make it look to the international community like he won the war. By 1975, two years after US troops had pulled out of South Vietnam, the ARVN (Army of the Republic of South Vietnam) collapsed and the North Vietnamese moved into Saigon, ending the war and finally creating the Communist Republic of Vietnam. 3,000,000 people in total were killed in the Vietnam war, the majority civilians. 56,000 US troops also died in what is seen by many to be a war fought solely to prove a point - the purpose of the US in the war is still debated to this day.

All Australian cities?

For List of cities in Australia go to the related link below

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The duration of Cluedo - Australian game show - is 1800.0 seconds.

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