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Q: How did the Arawak culture change when European arrived?
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How did the Renaissance change European culture?

I would think that the Europeans what at least destroy many of the things that comes in there way.

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they did not try to convert or change the culture of the native peoples in their colonies.

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because change is culture related.

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the biggest change was their culture

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the biggest change was their culture

What actually change when culture change?


What are the factor that changes the culture?

People are the biggest factor that influences culture change. The government can also change culture, and the way different generations teach the generation under them can affect the development of culture.

How did Greek culture change and what influenced it to change?

Greek culture changed when the Romans took over the country. The Romans began to push their own culture on the Greeks.

How did America's culture change when the Japanese arrived?

The arrival of Japanese immigrants in America brought aspects of Japanese culture such as cuisine, art, and language, influencing American culture. This cultural exchange also led to increased diversity and multiculturalism in American society. Additionally, Japanese- Americans faced discrimination and internment during World War II, which impacted their cultural integration and identity in the United States.