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If you are talking about lands before the 6 day war of 1967 and lands before the establishment of Israel, Jews did not take lands from Arabs. Rather, they paid for those lands, in many instances many times more their actual value. Arabs, for most part, sold those lands, while thinking because of arid and barren nature of those lands, they got a great deal, and the Jews would not be able to do much agriculture, they would soon leave, and they would repossess the lands. We know the history. Somehow, by some miracle, Jews tranformed the lands into an agricultural heaven.

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11y ago

Bad; they felt like it was unfair.

The Palestinians were greatly saddened by the creation of the State of Israel because they believed that the land that had physically belonged to their parents and grandparents should have been theirs for inheritance. In their minds, it did not make sense that a group of German, Polish, French, English, and Russian speaking people should claim land that their ancestors had not even visited for centuries. Even by the time of Israel's Declaration of Statehood, less than half of the land within the UN proscribed borders of Resolution 181 was owned by Jews. Therefore, the idea of Jewish State being even more physically expansive than the land already taken was alarming.

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12y ago

The UN didn't give Palestine to the Jews. The UN wanted to share Palestine and turn it into a Jewish State and another Arab State. The Jews accepted it, the Arabs didn't.

The first homeland for the Arab/Palestinians was Transjordan, which was cut off from the British Mandate of Palestine in 1922. The remaining part would be available for a Jewish National Home. When the UN in 1947 wanted to share the rest of Palestine 50/50 into a Jewish State and another Arab State the Arabs rejected the partition and the Jews accepted it. The Arab/Palestinian spiritual leader called: 'Kill the Jews, my Muslim brothers!' 'Drive them into the sea'. After the British withdraw from Palestine, David Ben Gurion declared the Independence and rebirth of the Jewish State of Israel in 1948. Israel was the first independent Jewish State in the Jewish home region after 19 centuries of foreign rule and diaspora. Short after the Israeli Independence Declaration all the Arab countries attacked Israel. In the Israeli-Arab war (in Israel called the War of Independence) some more then 500 thousands of Arabs/Palestinians who lived between 1946-1948 in Palestine fled away. Most of them fled to the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, which was part of historical British Palestine. These people actually didn't leave what they call their Palestine! Those territories remained to become a Palestinian State. However Transjordan and Egypt who occupied it didn't give it to the Palestinians! There only goal was to destroy Israel, they didn't care about the 'Palestinians'. However a smaller group fled to Southern Lebanon and Syria. The Arabs locked them up into refugee camps so the people would grow and grow because of the poverty and the lack of hygienical care (condoms!). They used and use them as a demographic weapon against Israel. At the same time from 1948 to the 70s more then 1 million Jews fled from the Arab world to Israel from Persia, Yemen, Iraq, Egypt, Tunesia etc.

These people would have had no future in islamitic countries where Jews never have had equal rights. All the governments of the State of Israel from the Independence till now have announced as long as the Arabs don't recognize the right of the State of Israel to exist the Arabs should resolve their 'Palestinian' issue on their own ground (there are more then 15 MILLION square kilometers left, comparing to Israel which is only 22 thousand square kilometers).

The UN thought most of the fled Arab Palestinians would also be happy to live in the West Bank under Jordanian Rule and the Gaza Strip and Egyptian Rule , the rule of their Arab brothers. This was true until in the 60s the PLO came to exist, to destroy Israel. Short there after in 1967 (the 6 Day War) Israel occupied the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. They never drove the Palestinians living there away. There were refugees in 1967, but all of them returned. In the 90s the territories inhabited by Palestinians on the West Bank (most of the West Bank) got their own administration in the Palestinian National Authority. This is called the Israeli-Palestinian interim agreement. In 2005 Israel withdraw from the Gazastrip. The permanent status of these territories has to be achieved by negotiations between the Palestinian Authority and Israel which can lead to the creation of the first independent Palestinian State (if you don't count Jordan which is actually also a Palestinian State!) in the whole history next to the State of Israel. Obstacles are the Israeli settlements and the Arabs who don't want to recognize the right of existence of the State of Israel.

The UN, aswell as the United States, aswell as the European Union are not pro-Israel, they are for peace in the Middle East. They recognize the claim of both parties to the land and are for a Two State Solution. Contrary, the Arabs are mostly only pro-Palestinians and want to destroy Israel. However Jordan has always helped the US with the attempts for negotiations between the Palestinian Authority and Israel.

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They rejected it as unfair to them

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Q: How did the Arab-Israeli War of 1948 affect Palestine Arabs?
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How did the Palestinian Arabs become people without a country?

In 1948, Jews didn't have a country, so they invaded Palestine, killed many Palestinians, and forced many out. The Jews then changed the name of Palestine to Israel.

What is an Israeli Arab?

They are the people who stayed in Palestine after Israel declared its Independence in 1948. These Arabs were given the option of having Israeli citizenship and took it. They live in the pre-1967 Israel only.

The Arabs who lived in Ramla and the rest Israel were before 48 were never called Palestinias what you are not writin the exact?

The original inhabitants of Palestine are the Arabs and they are called Palestinians. The illegal,racist and criminal entity so called Israel was established in 1948. Under the BRITISH mandate that land was called Palestine,and before that it was under the Ottoman empire known as PALESTINE. My family root is from RAMLEH, We call our self proudly as Palestinians and forever so.

Where is the dividing line between Israel and Palestine?

There is no international boundary, just an armistice agreement. In 1948 the British Mandate over Palestine was ended, the UN proposed a partition which was rejected by the Arabs and a civil war then ensued. At the end there was Israel and two parts of the Palestine mandate, one in Gaza under Egyptian control and the other in Judea and Samaria which then became the west bank of the kingdom of Jordan.

When was Israel created out of Palestine?

The modern State of Israel was founded in the territory of the former British Mandate of Palestine in May 14, 1948.

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What did Jewish leaders do in 1948?

they split Arabs and Jews land, Palestine in half.

Palestinians are mostly Muslim arabswhat is their religion?

Most Arabs are Muslim. Palestinians are not arabs. Palestinians are people who lived in Israel before it became a state in 1948 and was called Palestine. palestininans could be of any religion, therefore. A lot of the people living in Palestine were Arab Muslims.

How did the Palestinian Arabs become people without a country?

In 1948, Jews didn't have a country, so they invaded Palestine, killed many Palestinians, and forced many out. The Jews then changed the name of Palestine to Israel.

What two names for the country that is claimed by both Muslims and Jews?

It's the Arabian country that is named by all Arabs as Palestine,however it was occupied in 1948 by the Jews who named it Israel.

How did Britain try and ease the situation between Arabs and Jews in 1948?

The British did nothing to try and ease tensions between the Arabs and Jews in 1948. By that point, they had already begun a phased withdrawal of British troops from Mandatory Palestine in realization that the UNGA Resolution 181 (II) was going to be implemented.

When did Palestine Railways end?

Palestine Railways ended in 1948.

What are the two names for the country that is claimed by both Muslims and Jews?

It's the Arabian country Palestine, which is for Arabs (regardless of their religions). It's claimed by Jews who occupied it in 1948 & named it Israel.

What is an Israeli Arab?

They are the people who stayed in Palestine after Israel declared its Independence in 1948. These Arabs were given the option of having Israeli citizenship and took it. They live in the pre-1967 Israel only.

The Arabs who lived in Ramla and the rest Israel were before 48 were never called Palestinias what you are not writin the exact?

The original inhabitants of Palestine are the Arabs and they are called Palestinians. The illegal,racist and criminal entity so called Israel was established in 1948. Under the BRITISH mandate that land was called Palestine,and before that it was under the Ottoman empire known as PALESTINE. My family root is from RAMLEH, We call our self proudly as Palestinians and forever so.

When did Mandatory Palestine end?

Mandatory Palestine was created in 1920.

How did Israel Declaration of Independence in 1948 lead to ongoing arabisraeli tensions today?

It created a Jewish state on land that most Arabs believed rightfully belonged to the Palestinians.

When did the British pull out of Palestine?