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People do not "come up with" a language. Language evolves over time, generally from a more ancient parent language. In the case of the ancient Egyptian language it is distantly related to ancient Arabic, Assyrian, Hebrew, Phoenician, Berber and Tuareg and they all probably evolved from a single much more ancient parent language.

The ancient Egyptian language was written in hieroglyphs which did not record any vowels (exactly as in ancient Arabic, Hebrew and Phoenician); it has many verbs and other words which are made up of three consonants, exactly as in Hebrew and Arabic. For example the group htp means satisfied or content; inx means life or living; xpr means to become; nfr means good.

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Why did Romans come up with your language?

Someone had to come up with our language. So why not ancient people. Answer: The Romans

What did ancient egyptians stuff up the pharaohs noses?

wen it was time for him to die haha

What did the Ancient Egyptians do to the dead persons mouth?

it was sew wed up because of the effects of their after life of the person

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Lucas tackled all the animals, tied them up, and cooked em for dinner.

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What did ancient egyptians stuff up the pharaohs noses?

wen it was time for him to die haha

Did The Stone Age Come Before The Ancient Egyptians?

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Why did ancient people make pyramids?

The ancient egyptians made pyramids to house kings and queens' tombs. The pyramids were the rulers' final resting place. (PS-I am fairly sure this is correct, however, if you are talking about the Ancient Egyptians look up the Great Pyramids of giza).