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Q: How did the 54th Massachusetts regiment's attack on fort wagner affect public opinion about enslaved african american soldiers?
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How did the 54th Massachusetts regiments attack on the fort Wagner affect public opinion about enslaved African American soldiers?

because emancipation proclamation granted them thoses rights

What did the Buffalo Soldiers do in the Spanish American War?

There were four US Army Regiments of Buffalo Soldiers that saw service in the Caribbean Theatre of the Spanish American War. The two Cavalry Regiments did not get to bring their horses with them and fought as Infantry.

When did African American regiments join the union?

African-Americans joined many Union regiments at the beginning of the war. In 1863, a large number of African American regiments were formed using primarily escaped slaves as foot soldiers. Most of their officers were white, because few blacks had the required education at that time.

African American regiment of the 54th?


Where Blacks excluded from the Union armies?

No, blacks were allowed to fight in the war. Remember, the Union was against slavery. There were some all African American regiments and some mixed regiments. The Confederate Army even had black soldiers.

What were the African American soldiers who fought at forth wager called?

54th Massachusetts Regiment

What regiments were the buffalo soldiers in?

9th Cavalry and 10th Cavalry.

Buffalo Soldiers?

A member of one of the African-American regiments within the US Army after the Civil War, serving primarily in the Indian wars of the late 1860s.

What kind of troops formed the Massachusetts Regiment?

African American soldiers and a white commanding officer

Why were few black regiments trained for combat?

Many white Army officers and southern politicians objected to the training of African American soldiers to use weapons. They feared that these black soldiers might pose a threat after the war.

Why were so few black regiments trained for combat?

Many white Army officers and southern politicians objected to the training of African American soldiers to use weapons. They feared that these black soldiers might pose a threat after the war.

What race were the soldiers at the Battle of Gettysburg?

white There were no black regiments at Gettysburg in 1863.