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Taxation was a big part of it. Britain wanted the colonist to help pay for the Seven Years (French Indian War). Before this the colonists had gone 150 years with virtually no taxes. The colonist didn't appreciate the new taxes. Also the fact that they were taxed without representation lead to increased tension.

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they were all.. horny as you would call it.

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Higher taxes on the poor..

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Q: How did tensions between the colonists and british escalate after 1767?
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What were the 5 w's of the Boston Massacre?

The 5 W's of the Boston Massacre are: Who: British soldiers and American colonists. What: A violent confrontation between British soldiers and American colonists. When: It occurred on March 5, 1770. Where: The incident took place in Boston, Massachusetts. Why: Tensions had been escalating between the colonists and British soldiers due to increased enforcement of British laws and taxes. This event further fueled the anti-British sentiment in the colonies.

What touched off the Boston massacre?

The Boston Massacre was touched off by tensions between British soldiers and the American colonists. On March 5, 1770, a confrontation escalated when a British soldier was struck by a colonist, leading to the firing of shots by the British soldiers, resulting in the death of five colonists.

Who won the fight between the colonists and the British?

the colonists did

Who did the British reserve land between Appalachian Mountains and Mississippi River?

The British reserved land between the Appalachian Mountains and the Mississippi River for Native American tribes as part of the Proclamation of 1763, which aimed to prevent conflicts between colonists and Indigenous peoples. The intention was to create a boundary beyond which colonists were not permitted to settle in order to protect Native American territories. However, this policy was largely disregarded by colonists and led to further tensions between the British government and American colonists.

Why was taxation without representation a huge complaint by the colonists?

Taxation without representation was a huge complaint by the colonists because they believed it violated their rights as English citizens. They argued that since they had no elected representatives in the British Parliament, they had no say in decisions regarding taxation. This lack of representation was seen as unfair and oppressive, leading to increasing tensions between the colonists and the British government.

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Where tensions were greatest between the colonists and British during the years prior to the revolutionary war?


Where tensions between the colonists and british reached a peak during the years prior to the revolutionary war?

The Boston Massacre was the event where tensions between England and the colonies reached its peak. It took place on March 5, 1770.

City where colonial British tensions grew and several colonists were killed by British soldiers?

Boston, Massachusetts

Where tensions between the colonists and bristish reached a peak during the years prior to the revolutionary war?

Serving as the spark that lit the flame of the Revolutionary War in America, the small towns of Lexington and Concord are where tensions between the British and the Colonists reached their peak. In April of 1775, British soldiers and American militia clashed at both towns, with the British soon retreating back to their base in Boston. The Revolutionary War had begun.

What were the 5 w's of the Boston Massacre?

The 5 W's of the Boston Massacre are: Who: British soldiers and American colonists. What: A violent confrontation between British soldiers and American colonists. When: It occurred on March 5, 1770. Where: The incident took place in Boston, Massachusetts. Why: Tensions had been escalating between the colonists and British soldiers due to increased enforcement of British laws and taxes. This event further fueled the anti-British sentiment in the colonies.

What touched off the Boston massacre?

The Boston Massacre was touched off by tensions between British soldiers and the American colonists. On March 5, 1770, a confrontation escalated when a British soldier was struck by a colonist, leading to the firing of shots by the British soldiers, resulting in the death of five colonists.

Who won the fight between the colonists and the British?

the colonists did

Who did the British reserve land between Appalachian Mountains and Mississippi River?

The British reserved land between the Appalachian Mountains and the Mississippi River for Native American tribes as part of the Proclamation of 1763, which aimed to prevent conflicts between colonists and Indigenous peoples. The intention was to create a boundary beyond which colonists were not permitted to settle in order to protect Native American territories. However, this policy was largely disregarded by colonists and led to further tensions between the British government and American colonists.

What event that five colonists were killed was used as a propaganda to turn more colonists against the British?

The Boston Massacre in 1770, where five colonists were killed by British soldiers, was used as propaganda to turn more colonists against the British. This event was portrayed as a brutal attack on innocent civilians, fueling anti-British sentiments and contributing to the growing tensions that led to the American Revolution.

Why was taxation without representation a huge complaint by the colonists?

Taxation without representation was a huge complaint by the colonists because they believed it violated their rights as English citizens. They argued that since they had no elected representatives in the British Parliament, they had no say in decisions regarding taxation. This lack of representation was seen as unfair and oppressive, leading to increasing tensions between the colonists and the British government.

How did England and America act together after the revolution?

Tensions were very strong between the two still, even after the Americans were granted their independence. The British often pinned the Native Americans against the U.S., with tactics such as arming the natives and terrorizing american colonists. The tensions eventually led up to the War of 1812.

What did british policies after the french and Indian war lead to increased tensions with colonists?

the british were being very mean to the colonists n starting taxing them excessively because they were in so much debt from the war, the had no reason for taxing them, all the debt from the war was forced onto the colonist w/o any expination....this led to "no taxation w/o representation" which increased tensions between Britain and the colonist and eventually led to the American revolution