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A tenant farmer

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rent and farming

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Q: How did tenant farmers pay their rent in ancient china?
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How did farmers pay for the use of load that they farmed in ancient china?

In ancient China, farmers typically paid for the use of land through a system known as the "corvΓ©e labor" system. They would provide labor service to the landlord or the state for a certain number of days each year in exchange for the right to cultivate the land. This labor obligation was considered as payment for the land use. Additionally, farmers would also pay a portion of their harvest as rent or taxes to the landlord or the state.

The revolt by tenant farmers in the Hudson Valley against the wealthy Rensselar family is known as?

The Anit-rent war according to Wiki, I seem to recall it also being called the "Farmer's Rebellion".

What led to the farmers rebellion?

high rent charged by vanrensselaer

What are medieval peasants?

In the medieval society the peasant was a man who worked/farmed for his rent. He gave his labor to the lord of the manor for a place to live and a small patch of land to grow a few things. When there was a war his farm tools became weapons and he fought as a foot soldier to defend his manor/king.

What is the term for farmers who did not pay rent but worked th land they lived on?

The term for farmers who did not pay rent but worked the land they lived on is "sharecroppers." Sharecroppers typically paid a portion of their crops or profits to the landowner as rent. This system was prevalent in the Southern United States after the Civil War and often resulted in cycles of debt and poverty for the sharecroppers.

Related questions

How do tenant farmers pay their rent?

with products of the farm

Who paid to rent for land they farmed?

Tenant farmers

What are tenent farmers?

Tenant farmers are farmers that rent land from another person for a period of time

What do the owners of the land suggest the tenant farmers do?

Work the land to pay the rent.

Workers who paid their French lords an annual rent were known as?

tenant farmers

What were workers who paid the french lords an annual rent called?

tenant farmers

What was the difference between tenant farmers and sharecroppers?

Tenant farmers rented land and paid a fixed rent to the landowner, while sharecroppers did not pay rent but instead received a portion of the crops they grew as payment. Sharecroppers typically had less control over their farming decisions and were more vulnerable to exploitation than tenant farmers.

What were workers who paid their French lords an annual rent were known as?

tenant farmers

What do the owners of the land suggest the tenant farmers should do?

Work the land to pay the rent.

What were farmers with no enslaved people called?

Farmers without enslaved people were typically called free farmers or tenant farmers. These individuals would either own their land or rent it from a landlord in order to cultivate crops or raise livestock.

How were tenant farmers different from sharecroppers?

Tenant farmers were different from sharecroppers because they usually had their own tools and animals.

What is a tenant farmer?

Colonial tenant farmers were men who rented the land they farmed on.