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Q: How did some of the common people gain their freedom during this period?
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It is the period that Philippine arts rebirthed freedom.

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During the period of disunion, a blending of the cultures took place, however, during the reunification period, the common people were affected by reform of the military, creation of new laws, and land reform. Also there was a new religion sweeping across the country, Buddhism.

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Yes as slaves were a common thing during the Greek and Roman period.

Why did people move to Massachusetts during the colonial period?

Primarily for religious freedom or for opportunity to make money (mostly as labor, farming or gold mines) (By Solomon Zelman)

What democrtic ideas were apparent during the colonial period?

representative government; freedom of speech and religion

What is the taste of freedom for Amish people called?

"Rumspringa" is the word for Amish teenagers' period of experimentation and freedom from religious rules.

How was religion important to the revolutionary period?

People felt that because God gave them freedom, that they could achieve freedom from tyranny.

What is the representative text during the rebirth of freedom period?

One representative text during the rebirth of freedom period is the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, adopted during the French Revolution in 1789. This document proclaimed the equal rights of all citizens and influenced the development of democratic principles worldwide.

Why is that the common subject for art during the ancient period are plants and animals?

The common subject for art during the ancient period were plants and animals because concrete figures did not exist them.

Is nausea before period common?

Yes, and also during. During ovulation as well.

How do you calculate attrition?

Attrition rate % = (No of people moved out of the organisation during the period / Total no of people in the organisation during the period) * 100

How did the Restoration period give people a new sense of freedom?

They could eat turkey.