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It effected the economy by making money for Americans and plantation owners, through cotton, tobacco, and other goods. When Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin, the need for slaves increased, and more had to be imported from Africa. This made money for the slave sellers, and also the American slave owners, because slave owners were able to produce more cotton.

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14y ago
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13y ago

I believe slavery should have never been abolished, and I don't mean blacks particularly , though a majority would be black. I mean making reeducated prisoners. Plus the abolishment severely harmed the economy.

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12y ago

-west African culture affects American culture-social, economic and psychological oppression of blacks, that remained for years even after slavery was abolished:-the obvious, racism

-lawful oppression (slave masters could beat the crap out of slaves without any punishment)

-high illiteracy in blacks

-lower wages for blacks

hope this helps, please paraphrase, and don't plagiarize

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Francisco Urbina

Lvl 3
4y ago

The permanent effects of slavery and the plantation system are historical facts that cannot be explained away without confronting the needs for reparations to begin to correct inherent inequalities of our ecomic system and a society that continues to accept the notion that the top percent is more deserving of the wealth created by the lower rungs of the ladder.

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14y ago

so the people that buy slaves wont have to do work.

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13y ago

Slavery made the southern economy great and made life in the south easier for the rich slave owners

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