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First people African-Americans are signifigant in this world they invented things that are used today, such as; the traffic light, the gas mask, the potato chip, the crop rotation method, the shoelasting machine, and computer inventions. On another subject people don't appreciate the contrabutions that AFRICAN americans made.

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10y ago
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10y ago

it greatly influenced American culture.. we had less work to be done, being that we had slaves back then. More work got done, In a faster time period... we also got more income from the slaves because we didn't have to pay them for their work. S

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15y ago

well it affected there well being and self respect. It also reflected the slave owners to get very lazy cause they have someone else doing everything for them.

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9y ago

Slavery is a horrible aspect in the African American culture. It affected the way people looked at them, how they saw themselves, and made them see what they have to overcome in life.

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12y ago

the americas would trade the slaves for goods

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13y ago

it made the white people feel better about themselfs

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Q: How did slavery affect the culture and values of the white population of the South?
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