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Q: How did sir george yeardly help the Jamestown settlers?
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Why did the settlers in Jamestown almost starve?

They did not plan ahead, nor did they have a decent amount of supplies with them. Also, most settlers brought there were of nobility, and refused to work. They searched for gold the whole time and did not plant food to replenish their supplies.

How did the native Americans help Jamestown be successful?

How did the native Americans help Jamestown

Who saved the Jamestown economy?

The Native Americans who taught the white settlers how to grow indigenous crops, such as tobacco. Tobacco turned out to be a cash crop for the settlers to the point where it was even used as currency. Without the natives' help, their settlement would have failed like previous attempts in the area.

How did American Indians help the Jamestown colonists?

The question said "Native Americans" who helped the settlers. The Puritans occupied Indian lands in what is now Massachusetts. Jamestown was down in the southeast - Chesapeake Bay. The Virginia Indians who interacted with those setllers were part of the Powhatan Confederacy, a group of local tribes. It was a complex relationship between English and natives. The Powhatans did help, at first, in terms of farming practices, fishing and other forms of survival but the English settlers were violent and greedy for land from the beginning, causing conflicts.

How did the cooperation help the English at Jamestown and Plymouth?

In Jamestown there wasn't much cooperation. The men were not interested in doing anything but looking for gold. There was even a Spanish spy with the settlers. As far as the Pilgrims go their purpose was different from Jamestown . They planned on forming a community and creating a life. It was an accident that Jamestown became an established colony and not something they planned. The Pilgrims were a cohesive group all with the same values and purpose so cooperation was part of it within and with the Native Americans.

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The Jamestown settlers relied upon which of these groups for help while thinking of them as interior?

The indians

Did the colonists in Jamestown always get along with the Native Americans?

no way Jose, the Jamestown settlers had to get help from the powhattans because the colonists were invading their lands

How did the Powhatan confederacy help Jamestown colonist?

The Powhatan Confederacy had an extensive trade network with other Indian tribes before Jamestown was settled. When the Jamestown settlers arrived, they traded with the colonists. The settlers traded their metal tools for food and furs.

Who helped Jamestown survive during its first two years?

by a powerful leader named captain John Smith

What happened to Jamestown when John Smith's left?

The settlers didn't know what to do and were miserable without his help. They needed him to be there, which showed how he contributed to America.

Why did the settlers in Jamestown almost starve?

They did not plan ahead, nor did they have a decent amount of supplies with them. Also, most settlers brought there were of nobility, and refused to work. They searched for gold the whole time and did not plant food to replenish their supplies.

How did sir george yeardley help the Jamestown settlers?

The shipwreck survivors found the colonists of Jamestown in desperate condition. Most of the settlers had died from sickness or starvation, or had been killed by Indians. Sir Thomas Gates agreed with the Jamestown settlers to abandon the colony and return to England. He ordered Captain Yeardley to command his soldiers to guard the town preventing settlers from setting fire to the structures that were evacuated. Lord de la Warr soon arrived bringing supplies to save the struggling colony. Captain Yeardley was co-commander of the early Forts Henry and Charles at Kecoughtan. In October 1610, Lord De La Warr ordered Captain Yeardley and Captain Edward Brewster to lead 150 men into the mountains in search of silver and gold mines.

How did the native Americans help Jamestown be successful?

How did the native Americans help Jamestown

Why did Pocahontas help Jamestown colony?

She had sex with all the men and got everyone pregnant! Talk about abuse!

Who saved the Jamestown economy?

The Native Americans who taught the white settlers how to grow indigenous crops, such as tobacco. Tobacco turned out to be a cash crop for the settlers to the point where it was even used as currency. Without the natives' help, their settlement would have failed like previous attempts in the area.

What events led to a conflict between Jamestown settlers and Powhatan confederacy?

Chief Powhatan was being a very gracious person to the colonists but the colonists never showed that they were thankful or if they appreciated their help...and as Jamestown receives a new leader (John Smith) things got better.(This answer explains nothing.)