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Transfer at sea is dangerous business. The primary way today is the use of helicopters. They may also launch a small boat. The other way is the use of the bosun's chair, a rough seat on a rope between two ships that is pulled across with pulleys.

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Q: How did sailors go from one ship to the next while out at sea?
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In Pirates of Caribbean what two things are bad luck for sailors?

it is unlucky for a woman to be on a ship... but i dnt remember the second one

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i think that she probably does a cartweel

Why did the sailors of the Royal Navy sail in the two war ships?

it is because if one ship broke down or sunk they would still have one up and running

How to read the ship draft while waving on ship?

To read the ship draft while waving on ship one needs the extra attention or else get injured or drop into the waters.

What was the punishment keel hauling?

keelhauling was a punishment which originated from Germany and roughly translated means "to drag along the keel".it is a form of punishment meted out to sailors at sea. The sailor was tied to a rope that looped beneath the vessel, thrown overboard on one side of the ship, and dragged under the ship's keel(underneath the ships hull), either from one side of the ship to the other, or the length of the ship.

What is a summary of ancient mariner?

The Rime Of The Ancient Mariner is about a ship sailing the high seas which became a ghost ship after the sin of killing an albatross which followed the ship with good luck and good weather was committed. The sailors began to drop down dead one by one and thus the ship became a ghost ship. The ghosts of the sailors rose from their bodies and pulled the ropes, set the sails and worked the ship. Only the narrator of the poem remained alive to tell this tale. At last when he was able to make a prayer without suffocating himself, there was redemption and the sinned ship allowed reaching a port. This poem was Samuel Taylor Coleridge's masterpiece creation. This poem conveys and teaches a strong moral. Do not meddle with the divine intentions of nature's creations and manifestations, for they represent a higher intelligence. In this poem The Rime Of The Ancient Mariner, we see a harbinger of good fortune being killed through the thoughtlessness and recklessness of a single sailor and all the sailors in the ship except one dropping dead one by one as a consequence of this sin. Man whose actions are governed mostly by emotions has no right to judge divinity.