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The House of Burgesses determined that the English colonies would have a representative government. Does the person who asked this go to ESMS?

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Q: How did representative government begin in the English colonies?
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What event caused people to begin referring to the 13 English colonies as the 13 british colonies?

They were never called that because of any reason at all. They were only called the 13 Original Colonies.

What caused English colonists to begin looking for new places to trade their goods?

what caused the english colonists to begin looking for a new place to trade because the english laws controlled trade with its colonies however many merchants began to ignore the english law

What cause English colonists to begin looking for new places to trade their goods?

what caused the english colonists to begin looking for a new place to trade because the english laws controlled trade with its colonies however many merchants began to ignore the english law

Which of the colonies did not begin as an English colony?

New York began as a Dutch colony in 1624. The English took over following an Anglo-Dutch war, in 1664.

What caused englished colonists to begin looking for new places to trade their goods?

what caused the english colonists to begin looking for a new place to trade because the english laws controlled trade with its colonies however many merchants began to ignore the english law

On what common principles did English political culture begin to converge in both the mother country and the colonies after the glorious revolution?

Hatred of the Irish

When and why did the English colonists begin to withdraw their loyalty to the King?

When the King imposed various taxes on the colonies. The colonies protest the various tax and laws which made them end up in a Revolutionary War. The British wanted the colonies to pay for the French and Indian War.

Why did England prize its northern colonies?

The English prized the colonies because it was a new opportunity to begin a new life and use the raw materials of the land and the colonies were good places to sell goods.

Why did England begin to have problems governing the colonies?

because the colonies are going to war with the other colonies