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Q: How did reconstruction differ from what Abraham Lincoln had wanted?
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How did Presidential Reconstruction differ from Congressional Reconstruction?

During the Presidential Reconstruction, President Lincoln wanted to be kind to the South and help them rebuild as much as possible. The Congressional Reconstruction wanted the South to pay for their rebellions.

What did A Lincoln want Reconstruction to be like?

Lincoln wanted a soft Reconstruction

Who were the people during the reconstruction?

The people during the Reconstruction were the Northerners, Southerners, and politicians. Abraham Lincoln was one of the presidents that wanted the North & South to put aside their differences.

Why did Lincoln support the 10 percent plan?

President Abraham Lincoln supported the Ten Percent Plan for Reconstruction because he wanted to mend ties with the former Confederate states, not punish them further.

What where some of Abraham Lincoln's favorite childhood games?

Abraham Lincoln did not like any kind of games. He was little bit interested in painting. He always wanted to go to school as he was very much interested in studies.

Who hose reconstruction plans requires the establishment of state governments with no limits on voter allegiance?

Andrew Johnson's reconstruction plans required the establishment of state governments with no limits on voter allegiance. Abraham Lincoln wanted to establish states that would agree with everything Washington wanted them to do.

What did Abraham Lincoln wanted?

The preservation of the Union.

What Abraham Lincoln wanted?

freedom for slaves

Who wanted to free slaves?

Abraham Lincoln wanted to free the slaves.

What were Abraham Lincoln's obstacles?

People who wanted to kill him.

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What would Abraham Lincoln wanted to see?
