peoples lives were affected because they could'nt live normally and had to run to the underground escape route and listen to the radio to wait for the escape route
because she was the youngest U.S explorer and that influenced people...
cotton was less expesive and it was esier to clean
cuz he invented a invention somthing none of us could do
The march on Washington was the biggest nonviolent protest of the civil rights movement.
how did 9/11 change peoples lives
Henry Ford invented a Auto moving assemble line in 1913
Rationing, propaganda and total war
she didn't change peoples lives she could threw her songs...
how did clearance Thomas change peoples lives
How did plows change people lives
In modern times most of the country are Muslim and follow Islamic everyday lives
peoples lives were affected because they could'nt live normally and had to run to the underground escape route and listen to the radio to wait for the escape route
it hasn't
It ended them