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After the pyramid was created and the workers were trapped inside they did not get out, they were killed and so was all of the others including the architect. So everybody that worked on the pyramid was killed because they were the only people that knew where the entrance to the pharaohs tomb is and they had to protect the treasures in the tomb from the treasure hunters and in able to do that they had to kill the people that know the way in.

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Through the escape shafts.

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Q: How did pyramid workers get out of the pyramids?
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they were slaves that built the pyramid. or prisoners of warAnswerArchaeologists have recently found the graves of some workers who built the pyramids. They were buried reverentially, and with some goods to help them in the afterlife. It is clear that the workers were not slaves, but paid workers who were treated well by the standards of their time.

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The Great Pyramid and the Red Pyramid, and all of the pyramids of Giza. Even the Step Pyramid is famous. * Great Pyramid * Step Pyramid * Bent Pyramid * Red Pyramid

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How do you spell pyramid?

You got it right, "pyramid!"