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Prosperity led to another major change in society~the development of social classes

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Q: How did prosperity lead to the development of social classes?
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How did prosperity lead to the development social class?

Prosperity led to another major change in society~the development of social classes

How did properity lead to the developments of social classes?

Well, since prosperity is economic success and social classes are people who are alike...(social classes-a group of people who have similar backgrounds, income(money), and way of living) Prosperity lead to social classes by people learning more about each other and exploring. Thank you!!!!!!!!!! have fun in social studies....

What did the economic prosperity of the early to mid-1800s lead to?

the creation of a new social classes

What did economic prosperity lead to?

It can have many effects, but one is the creation of new social classes

How did prosperity lead to social class?

Prosperity can lead to the creation of social classes as individuals accumulate wealth and resources unequally, resulting in some people having more power, status, and influence than others. This economic disparity can create divisions within society based on wealth and privilege, establishing hierarchies and reinforcing social class distinctions.

How did prosperit lead to the development of social class?

Prosperity often leads to the accumulation of wealth by some individuals or groups, creating inequalities in society. As wealth grows, those who possess it may seek to uphold their status and limit access to resources, establishing social hierarchies. This can result in the formation of distinct social classes based on economic disparities.

What are social classes and what factor in early villages lead to their development?

Social classes are hierarchical divisions in society based on factors like wealth, power, and status. In early villages, the development of social classes was largely influenced by the control of resources such as land, food surplus, and specialized skills. This led to the emergence of elites who controlled these resources, creating a stratified society.

Why did the development of agriculture lead to social classes in human societies?

The development of agriculture allowed for the production of surplus food, leading to a division of labor and specialization in tasks. This division of labor created social classes based on roles and access to resources, with some individuals accumulating wealth and power while others became dependent on them for food.

How did the Neolithic Revolution lead to the development of social classes?

The Neolithic Revolution, marked by the shift from hunting and gathering to agriculture, led to surplus food production and settlements. This allowed some individuals to specialize in non-food producing activities like craftsmanship or governing, creating social differentiation and the emergence of social classes based on wealth and power.

Do you think that Saint Simon was an idealist or a realist.explain?

Saint Simon was more of an idealist, as he believed in creating a society where cooperation and harmony among all social classes would lead to social progress and prosperity. His idea of a technocratic government and emphasis on scientific planning to improve society reflected his idealistic vision for a better world.

What is the social variable that is least significant in predicting the development of social relationships that lead to marriage is?

con cac

How did job specializations lead to the emergence of social classes in early civilization?

•people tended to live and work with people who had the same job as themselves, thus forming social classes. social rank depended on the power and wealth related to one's job.