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Primarily as the artist who created the painting "Sunday In The Park ..."

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Q: How did people remember George Seurat?
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Related questions

Which country did George seurat come from?

Georges Seurat is from Paris,France.

How did george seurat use his colors?

george seurat used pointillism which means he didnt mix colours

Who came up with the painting or drawing style called pointillism?

The artist that developed a style called pointillism was Georges Seurat. This technique referred to the way that paint was applied to the canvas, and how it was composed of thousands of dots, making it look like points.

Did george seurat have a criminal record?

No, he did not.

Where did george seurat die?

In Paris, France.

What did George seurat do for a living?

He was a professional painter.

Was George Seurat rich?

no, i think he was not rich.

What can you tell me about georges seurat?

george seurat was 31 yrs old when he died he used pointillism in his paintings

What languages did George Seurat speak?


How did george seurat die?

It is not sure but it is a respiratory disease. (::)

What age did Georges Pierre Seurat become a artist?

george seurat became an artist when he started his primary school he excelled in painting nudists.

What was interesting about Georges Seurat use of colour?

what was george seurats favorite answer