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Papyri survive that outline laws and courtcases.

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Q: How did people know what the laws were in Ancient Egypt?
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What tools did people use to kill peasants with in ancient Egypt?

They wouldn't kill the peasants! They had laws in Ancient Egypt, it was a civilized society.

Who made the laws in Ancient Egypt?

It was mainly the Pharaohs.

How laws were decided upon in ancient Egypt?

They were dictates from the Pharaoh.

How was ancient Egypt governed?

It had Kings and counsels that made laws

What laws did Alexander the Great make in ancient Greece?

Alexander the Great ruled Egypt not Ancient Greece.

What type of laws do Egypt have?

Of course. Every country that has ever existed has had laws. In Ancient Egypt, there were numerous codices of the Pharaoh's edicts and those of his ministers.

What was the name of the person who recorded the ancient laws of Egypt?

if you were talking about the bible, the moses

How are government important to Ancient Egypt?

they look over the laws the pharaoh wants and they pick good laws for the country .

Did they sacrifice humans in ancient Egypt?

No. There was no human sacrifice in Ancient Egypt. They had laws which forbid murder. Sacrifice was done by giving flowers, oils, objects, or foods to temples or shrines.

What did pharaohs do to help people in ancient Egypt?

the ancient Egyptian Pharaohs made the important rules and laws also the consequences any of the rules were broken) they were viewed as gods and were the highest of all the social classes.

How were the conflicts solved in ancient Egypt?

Conflicts were plenty in ancient Egypt. They included the conflict with the Kushite Army, the conflict with Hyskos, and the conflict within its own society to pass laws rather than fight for what was needed. Compromises were made when passing these laws.

How are laws made in Egypt?

there god has all control over Egypt there fore he makes the laws and there is more then one god to Egyptian people