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they made sure they would get to heaven by confessing their sins.

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Q: How did people in the middle ages make sure that they would go to heaven?
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What in the middle ages did people believe was in the middle of heaven and hell?

Earth ....

Why did people go on pilgrimage in the middle ages?

They went on pilgrimages to make sure that God would send them to heaven instead of hell.

Why is it important for people in the middle ages to believe in heaven and hell?

going to die soon

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In the middle ages, the average range that people would live to was about 30-40.

How important were images of heaven and hell in the middle-ages?

In the middle ages people could not read or write, so they would look at pictures instead to understand the story of the bible. Since this was the only religeon, people had to stick with it or they would be threatened by the pope, the leader of the church, that they had to follow it. The pictures of Hell were so frightning that the people did not dare to commit a sin.

Would someone in the middle ages have been able to point out Orion in the night sky?

People in the middle ages would have seen the same constellations that we do. Just like people who know the skies now can point out Orion, people of the middle ages who knew the skies would have been able to point out Orion.

Who punished people in the middle ages?

The 'Jack Stankovic' would punish people.

What did they write with in the Middle Ages?

mainly people couldn't read or write in the middle ages but those who could would use a quill pen

How did monasteries become so powerful in the Middle Ages and what were the ramifications of this increased power?

They became so powerful as wealthy people gave money and possessions to the church in hope that they would be sent to heaven .

Would middle ages people be allowed to burp over the table?


What did people eat during the middle ages during weddings?

There are quite a few things that people during the middle ages would eat at a wedding. Meats of all kinds are included.

What people controlled the storeroom in the middle ages?

the people that would cook in the kitchen controlled the storeroom.