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Q: How did people in early Persian kingdoms earn a living?
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How did people in early Persian kingdoms earn their living?

The growing and trading of crops was the most common way to make a living in Persia. ChaCha again soon!

Who conquered most of the Hellenistic and died in the year 323 BCE?

Alexander the Great took over the Persian Empire. After his early death his generals divided the empire into kingdoms of their own. We today call them the Hellenistic kingdoms (= like Greek).

Alexander the great's conquest of the Persian Empire resulted in?

A period of cultural diffusion between Greece and the Near East.First, his converting it into an empire of his own, then after his early death, his generals carved it up and established kingdoms of their own which we today call the Hellenistic kingdoms.

What made the Persian empire decline?

It was captured by Alexander the Great, who appointed his generals as provincial governors. After Alexander's early death the generals turned their provinces into independent kingdoms of their own.

What threats did the early kingdoms of europe face?

The greatest threat to the kingdoms was from defeat in war. Most of the early kingdoms did not survive, as those that did survive destroyed the others.

What was the result of Alexander the Great's conquest of the Persian Empire?

As he died early, his generals split the empire amongst them, creating several kingdoms, which, after some fighting, settled down to Macedonia, Egypt, Syria and Pergamon.

Who were Japan's enemies in the early ages?

Japan was not a unified country in its early days. There were multiple kingdoms whose enemies were the other kingdoms.

How many early african kingdoms collapsed?

Many early African kingdoms collapsed because of inter-tribal fighting over leadership.

How did people in early Mesopotamia make a living?

they didnt

What are trading kingdoms of early sub-saharana?

Some of the trading kingdoms of early sub-Saharan Africa include the Kingdom of Ghana, Mali, and Songhai. These kingdoms were known for their wealth and power derived from controlling trade routes that crossed the region. They engaged in the trans-Saharan trade of goods like gold, salt, and enslaved people.

What happened while Alexander the Great was alive?

He captured the Persian Empire and took it over. He attempted to convert it to Greek culture and language, but his early death forestalled this, and his generals who carved the empire up between them established their own kingdoms.

How did living and working in groups help early people survive?

living and working in groups help the early people survive because they didnt have to do everything everyone would do a little bit (teamwork).