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AnswerThe slaves were captured from their tribes by people (usually part of another tribe) crept up and either threw a net of clubbed them until they were unconsios. They then transported the to a fort where they were held ready to be take onto boats by the traders.

The slaves were mainly bought by british boats from the African traders and were taken to many countries including parts of South America, and some parts of Asia, but mainly to the United States.

Most of the slaves, Over 35% were shipped to Brazil and South American colonies, not the then non existent U.S.

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14y ago
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12y ago

Black slaves were captured back to their owners because the white plantation owners needed them to do hard, tiring working in farm fields. The slaves disliked doing this because they usually get very poor house conditions, poor food supplies, and poor clothings.

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11y ago

slave catchers would see the wanted posters, and then they would bring them back to their owner, and the slaves would be whiped or something.

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14y ago

War parties from some African tribes would attack other African nations to capture people for export as slaves out of Africa.

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14y ago

Many were thought to be captured by rival tribes or kingdoms. It may also be that slavery was a criminal punishment.

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14y ago

how does anyone capture anyone else? Threaten them, nets, shoot them, trap them.

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12y ago

they captured people by lassoing them or throwing a net over them by surprise.

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By caputuring people, keeping them as slaves and killing them because of their religion.

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What are slave catchers?

People whose jobs was to find, capture and return escaped slaves, for a bounty.

Did the white man capture all the slaves?

No. Actually villages sold off captured people in war in order to receive goods such as gold, guns, and horses. with these good they went back to capture more and more slaves to build their empire. So blame power hungry black people to the start of slavery.

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The law requiring citizens to help catch runaway enslaved people was the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850. It allowed for the capture and return of escaped slaves even in free states, supporting the institution of slavery by compelling individuals in free states to assist in the capture and return of escaped slaves.

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Sometimes from poor handling and malnutrion. Also a slave ship fearing capture would sometmes toss the slaves overboard to avoid prosecution for slavery: no slaves, no evidence of slavery.

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neither the used horses

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People could become slaves through capture during wars or raids, where they were then sold into slavery. They could also become slaves through debt bondage, where they were forced into servitude to pay off a debt.

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