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Ship / Submarine commissioning sponsors are typically chosen from the ranks of political or military dignitaries; in many cases, if a ship is named for a person, the spouse or a close relative is chosen (always a woman in modern times). If named for a City or State, a Senator's wife from the State may be chosen, or if the Senator is female, the Senator herself.

In the past 60 years it's been politically motivated as well; submarines and ships are typically named for those who have been politically generous to the Navy and military in general. For example, the USS Nautilus was sponsored by Mamie Eisenhower, President Eisenhower's wife, and the USS Jimmy Carter was sponsored by Carter's wife Rosalynn.

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What kinds of jobs did people have in World War 2 submarines?

In World War 2 submarines people had many jobs. Some listened to different radio signals, and others watched the sonar. There were also navigators, torpedo loaders and shooters, and preachers. In most submarines there were surgeons.

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Looking for one too! Going to Australia.

Did submarines leak in water?

Yes, there are always very small leaks . These are contained and not allowed to become dangerous.

What are Travis Pastranas sponsors?

try this website

Is submarine a sea transport?

As far as civilian submarines, technically no, as tourist submarines aren't actually transporting from point A to point B. For military submarines, absolutely. People using submarines as transport vessels are Special Forces (e.g., SEAL's), Navy research scientists (Polar Expeditions), and other individuals designated as required.