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In the middle ages you became a king by

  • being born the son of a king,
  • being born the son of someone who later became a king
  • being the nearest living male relative of a king who died without a living son
  • conquering a kingdom by force of arms
  • being a lesser noble, declaring yourself a king, and successfully resisting the armies of your former king.
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10y ago
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10y ago

Well it depends , some became one because their father was a king already or being related to the king & it goes down the list && well yeaaa or you could just submit yourself

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14y ago

they didnt reallyy chose their king it was kind of like if your father was king then you were automatically goin to be king when he died.

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13y ago

kings and queens were decided on their family according to the educated and elder one. It goes from FAther to son and so on. They were not chosen. or it is not known how they were,

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What are medieval kings?

Medieval kings are people who lived during the middle ages and were given the title and powers of a king.

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the kings,serf

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Usually medieval kings died in battle or by being poisoned by opponents.

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It varied. Some kings were kind people who tried to improve the lives of their subjects, and others were not.

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They were either Kings, Queens, or nobles.

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medieval kings needed to learn how to fight because when they go in the they need to fight