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The Black Death was an outbreak of plague that killed a third to half the people in Europe during the period of 1347 to 1352. At the time there was very little anyone could do to avoid it. I have read that some walled towns in England brought in food, raised their drawbridges, and waited until it passed, with some success, but I cannot provide a reference for this.

Today, the Bubonic Plague can be treated with modern medicine.

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Most didn't but if you could avoid rats you could avoid the fleas that carried the plague

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the people thought the cause of the black plague was a witches curse.

Why is the black plague a crisis?

the black plague was a crisis because it killed lots of people

In what year was the black plague how many people died?

The black plague occured in Europe from 1347-1351. It killed about 25 million people.

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How was the black plague stopped?

rats died out and people survived plague and became immune to it.

Why didn't blacks get the black plague?

Because they weren't in contact with other people who had the Black Plague, so they weren't infected.

Why was the European plague known as the Black Plague?

Roaches gave deadly disease to rats, rats gave to people, people gave to other people. The European plague was called the Black Death because lymph nodes would become swollen and then die. They would be black so this plague was called the Black Death for this reason. Rats carried fleas, the fleas carried the microbe that caused black death in them and when they bit they passed it on to people.

What were the consequences of the plague?

plague continued spreading and many people died, which led to the black death

What Was another name for bubonic plague?

Another name for the plague is the black death

How do people now treat the black plague now?

the black plauge is dead

What were the wealthy able to do to avoid the black death?

Mainly, they were able to leave town when the Plague struck and go far enough away to avoid exposure.