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Nationalism is one's pride in their nation. Nationalism applied to Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan. Nationalism had nothing to do with communist aggression during the cold war.

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Q: How did nationalism lead to an independence movement in Korea and Vietnam and why did the Us get involved with the wars?
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Which French colony had the U.S. intervene in its bid for independence because the independence movement was led by communists?

The colony in question is Vietnam.

In what ways were the independence movement in Algeria and Vietnam similar?

Both countries revolted violently against French oppressors.

1 How did nationalism lead to independence in India and Vietnam?

Who said "Nationalism lead to independence in India and Vietnam?" India and Vietnam have nothing to do with each other. India was a crown colony of the UK until the end of WWII. British India was never conquered by Japan; although the British/allies did stop the Japanese army at Imphal in 1944 which was as deep as the Japanese army got into India during the war. After WWII, the British simply granted independence to India (no longer a crown colony). Vietnam was taken from France by Japan (no matter how politically correct historians want to word the conquest, it was taken) during WWII. When WWII ended in 1945 Japan relinquished her conquests, and Vietnam was one of them. When France attempted a return to Vietnam, the nationals (Vietnamese) resisted (called the 1st Indo China War or French Indo China War). That war went on from 1946 until 1954.

According to the what. France granted independence to Vietnam laos and cambodia?

France granted independence to Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia when the political forces within each country demanded it. Vietnam independence resulted in a civil war. Geneva Accords

How was the war of 1812 and Vietnam alike?

They both instilled a sense of nationalism or national pride afterwards.

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How was the outcome of Vietnam's independence movement in 1954 similar to the outcome of indias independence movement in 1947?

Both Vietnam and India were split into multiple countries (Apex).

How was the outcome of Vietnam's independence movement in 1954 similar the outcome of India's independence movement in 1947?

Both Vietnam and India were split into multiple countries (Apex).

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How was the outcome of Vietnam's independence movement in 1954 similar to the outcome of India's independence movement in 1947?

Both Vietnam and India were split into multiple countries (Apex).

How was the outcome of Vietnam independent movement in 1954 similar to the outcome of India's independence movement in 1947?

Both Vietnam and India were split into multiple countries (Apex).

How did the outcome of India's independence movement in 1947 differ from outcome of Vietnam's independence movement in 1954?

India split up because of religious conflicts, but Vietnam split up because of political differences. (APEX)---> India and Vietnam were split up into multiple countries.

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Both Vietnam and India were split into multiple countries (Apex).

Which French colony had the U.S. intervene in its bid for independence because the independence movement was led by communists?

The colony in question is Vietnam.

What are the specific legacies involved in the antiwar movement of the Vietnam war?

The all Volunteer military.

How were the struggles in the Philippines India and Vietnam different?

Each country used a different method to achieve its goal. The Philippines attained independence from the United States after WWII. Vietnam attained independence from France after the Vietnam War. While India attained independence from Great Britain from Mahatma Gandhi's movement.

The leader of the nationalist independence movement in Vietnam before World War 2 was who?

Ho Chi Minh

Why did the us refuse to respond to ho chi minh's request?

Vietnam's independence movement was led by communists.