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A potential source of opposition to Napoleon was the Church.

Napoleon knew very well the deep conservatism of the French peasants in religious matters and strove to harness this sentiment to his advantage, seeking a reconciliation with the Pope. He once said "the people must have a religion and the same must be in the hands of the government".

This was probably the boldest decision of his entire life, and in a certain verse was one of the heaviest blow inflicted to the Republican rule.

Napoleon was able to overcome the harsh opposition of the Republican members of the government and of the military establishment, acting practically alone, with almost no help. The Treaty was signed in 1801, but Napoleon dared to publish to relevant articles only after a year and even then the matter required a lot of courage and decision.

The advantages, though, widely compensated the risks as, in one shot the First Consul had shattered the most effective weapon of the royalist Propaganda, because from that moment on, the Bourbon could no more claim of being to only defenders of the Christian traditions in France. At the same time helped to pacify the Vendée and improved the relations with Belgium and Italy, which were Catholic country.

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By signing a concordat or an agreement with the Roman Catholic Church.

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Q: How did napoleon make peace with the catholic chruch?
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Why did Napoleon make peace with the Catholic Church?

In general, he was dying and afraid of what would come next. In February 1821, while exiled at Saint Helena island, Napoleon's health began to deteriorate rapidly. He reconciled with the Catholic Church. He died on 5 May 1821, after receiving the Sacraments of Confession, Extreme Unction and Viaticum in the presence of Father Ange Vignali.

How did napoleon bring religious order to France?

Napoleon, himself, was not religious, although some claim he was Catholic due to the Concordat that he signed with the Roman Catholic Church in order to maintain peace with Rome following the French Revolution (1789-1799) where he confiscated the church lands and assumed control over the appointment of bishops. Although he never gave the property back, he did however, make France officially a Catholic nation. Ultimately, he exercised the long-lived idea of religious tolerance, which was a fundamental cause during this era of "enlightened despotism". Hope this answers your question!

What religious changes did napoleon make?

During the French Revolution-that land owned by the Catholic Church was sold off allowing any religion to be practicedWhen Napoleon had Power-Napoleon made and agreement with the Pope called Concordat that allowed Catholicism to be the religion associated with the majority of the population-Napoleon gained the power to choose bishops-The church never got their land back-Napoleon took away the peasants need to pay taxes to the church, but still allow them to keep their homes

Did Napoleon make the French government strong or weak?

napoleon Bonaparte made France stronger.Napoleon Bonaparte was know as a great military leader

What were Napoleon's views on equality and how did this make a difference?

It adds an inherent bias to the Napoleonic Code since there can be very little doubt that Napoleon was a sexist.

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Why did Napoleon make peace with the Catholic Church?

In general, he was dying and afraid of what would come next. In February 1821, while exiled at Saint Helena island, Napoleon's health began to deteriorate rapidly. He reconciled with the Catholic Church. He died on 5 May 1821, after receiving the Sacraments of Confession, Extreme Unction and Viaticum in the presence of Father Ange Vignali.

What controversial move did Napoleon make with regard to the Catholic Church?

He placed thr Church under state control

How did napoleon bring religious order to France?

Napoleon, himself, was not religious, although some claim he was Catholic due to the Concordat that he signed with the Roman Catholic Church in order to maintain peace with Rome following the French Revolution (1789-1799) where he confiscated the church lands and assumed control over the appointment of bishops. Although he never gave the property back, he did however, make France officially a Catholic nation. Ultimately, he exercised the long-lived idea of religious tolerance, which was a fundamental cause during this era of "enlightened despotism". Hope this answers your question!

What religious changes did napoleon make?

During the French Revolution-that land owned by the Catholic Church was sold off allowing any religion to be practicedWhen Napoleon had Power-Napoleon made and agreement with the Pope called Concordat that allowed Catholicism to be the religion associated with the majority of the population-Napoleon gained the power to choose bishops-The church never got their land back-Napoleon took away the peasants need to pay taxes to the church, but still allow them to keep their homes

What changes did Napoleon make first?

Napoleon called off Sunday morning meeting

What document gave each German prince the right to make his land Catholic or Lutheran?

The Peace of Augsburg said that the people in each individual Kingdom within the Holy Roman Empire (Germany did not exist as a state at this point) were to follow the religion of their ruler: Lutheran or Catholic. The Peace of Augsburg held until the Peace of Westphalia ended the Thirty Years War and gave that right to Calvinists as well.

What is the name of laws of the Roman Catholic Church?

A Prayer for Peace Almighty God, from whom all thoughts of truth and peace proceed, kindle in the hearts of all men the true love of peace, and guide with Your pure and peaceable wisdom those who make decisions for the nations of the earth; that in tranquility Your kingdom may go forward, till the earth be filled with the knowledge of Your love; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

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The sign of peace typically occurs after the Lord's Prayer and before the Communion Rite in a Catholic Mass. It involves a gesture or exchange of peace among the members of the congregation as a symbol of unity and reconciliation before receiving Communion.

When was Make Peace created?

Make Peace was created in 1725.

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