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They were a groupl of people who wanted to reform life for farmers and poor people.-

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Q: How did muckrakers and other progressives reform American society?
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What are Progressives and Muckrakers?

Progressives were reformers who worked to improve social and political problems, begining in the late 1800s; Muckrakers were mostly progressives who exposed political corruption in big business through journalism in order to bring about reform.

What was the goal of muckrakers?

The goal of the muckrakers was to bring about reform through their writings.

How did progressives try to reform society?

Progressives of the late 19th and early 20th centuries worked to improve working conditions as well as regulate child labor. Additionally, Progressives embraced modern technology and fought against corruption in American politics.

What did muckrakers have on reform?

my penis

How did the muckrakers attitudes about government affect their reform efforts?

Muckrakers disliked the political corruption and social injustice of the industrial age. Interest in muckrakers led to reform.

What was the goal of the American progressives?

The progressives believed in social justice, reform, and modernism. It was not the goal of this group to go back to traditional ideas.

What effect did muckrakers have on reform?

my penis

Did the Muckrakers favored social reform?


. Socially conscious writers who dramatized the need for reform were known as .?

muckrakers {NOVANET}

What new political devices did progressives use to reform American cities?

Creating city commissions and city managers

How did muckrakers inspire progressive reform?

by making the trust act!

What does muckrakers means in the early 1900?

"Muckrakers" were investigative journalists who exposed corruption, misconduct, and social issues in American society during the early 1900s. They aimed to bring about societal change and reform by shedding light on problems in areas like politics, business, and public health.