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Q: How did manifest destiny affect immigrants?
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Who did manifest destiny affect?

The United States. manifest destiny was the idea the United States should spread from coast to coast

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Manifest destiny led to Texas becoming a part of the United States and lead to a war with Mexico.

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It was the same in every category

What is when Americans thought they had the right to expand from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean?

Manifest Destiny.

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manifest destiny

What was the belief that God intended for America to extend from the Atlantic to the Pacific?

Manifest Destiny

What was the belief that the US should expand its territory from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean?

It was known as Manifest Destiny and was a factor in American foreign policy during the 19th century.

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manifest destiny

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Manifest Destiny is the American thought at the time that we should occupy all of the west at the time. now it is the thought that america should expnad outwards such as space or the bottom of the ocean. its essentially expanding our boundries of knowledge. as more immigrants came and the population grew, it became easier and manifest destiny was actually occuring