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Both states were acquired from Mexico by the means of war due to such ideal.

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Q: How did manifest destiny affect New Mexico and California?
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How did the manifest destiny affect the annexation Texas?

Manifest destiny led to Texas becoming a part of the United States and lead to a war with Mexico.

Who did manifest destiny affect?

The United States. manifest destiny was the idea the United States should spread from coast to coast

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How did the manifest destiny affect US with native Americans?

It grew respect with Mexico because they knew that they could not beet the Americans

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How did manifest destiny affect us and Canada?

Manifest Destiny affected Canada , because it lead to Canada becoming a country. After all the invasions and wars, Canada realized it was easier to defend themselves by uniting as one against the Americans, and so our country was born.

How did the doctrine of manifest destiny in the us affect the development of the country in the 1800's?

Many Americans moved to European countries looking for work.

How did manifest destiny affect settlers?

Manifest Destiny was the belief that the general population during the early years of America held. They thought it was destined by God for America to stretch from ocean to ocean. So, the American government bought and fought for the remaining land that separated the US from the pacific, gaining land from Mexico, France, England, and a few other countries. The government used propaganda and advertising to gain the interest of the American people and convince them to move westward, thus a huge migration of people moved west in order to conquer the virgin land and complete manifest destiny.

How does manifest destiny affect Mexico in the Mexican-American war?

At the very least, they had to fight during the Mexican-American War (1846-1848) due to American ambitions on their western territories. Then, after the Mexican-American War was lost, Mexico was forced to cede the whole states of California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas, as well as parts of Wyoming, Colorado, Oklahoma and Kansas. Finally, after these were taken by the United states, most Mexican people already-inhabiting those lands were eventually driven-off by American settlers -- usually helped by the U.S. Government -- bent on fulfilling the Manifest Destiny.

How might Manifest Destiny later affect US relations with Native Americans?

because continued expansion meant the occupation and annexation of Native American land.