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As men gathered new information, he often changed his ideas. For example, at the time that Columbus discovered America, he believed that the earth was flat. Later, men now know that the earth is round.

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Q: How did man change his ideas through ages?
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What are the different stone ages of man?

the different stone ages of man are the Paleolithic Period, And The Neolithic Period

Why did people worship in the middle ages... What did not worshipping mean... What did the church expect from the worshippers... What was the basic doctrine of the church?

The only church in the middle ages was Catholic. The Catholic church taught that they were needed for man to communicate with God. They also taught that man was born in sin and to get to heaven they needed to go through the church. The Church set the standards and rules for the society as well as telling kings and queens how to rule.

Why did the ideas of John Locke dominate thinking in England in the eighteenth century?

His ideas were revolutionary because, unlike our world, it was a world of monarchy. Kings, queens, and the church had been ruling the world for a thousand years. This was a world where the king owned the land, animals, and people. Where he could arrest or kill anyone he wanted and that the people were there to serve him. The church had taught man that they were needed because they were the middle man between God and man. The church also made decisions in government, medicine, and social issues. Locke wrote that man had rights and these were God given not king given. That man had choice in his government and he could change it. To the people of his time Locke presented new thinking and was a threat to the status quo. As the ideas took hold they began to dominate the thinking concerning government and how people could change the government. To us this is not revolutionary thinking, but it was for it's time.

What is a padifile?

a middle aged man that likes little girls ages 0-14/15

How did the actions of the national assembly reflect the ideas of the enlightenment?

It issued the Declaration of the Rights of Man.

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How did Leonardo di Vinci change the world with his ideas?

Because he was such an amazingly talented man

A man who is averse to change is said to be?

A man who is averse to change is said to be resistant or afraid of change. He may be comfortable with the status quo and reluctant to adapt to new ideas or ways of doing things.

How did man change the developments of physics through ages?

Man changed the development of physics through ages by developing new theories, conducting experiments and observations, and building upon the knowledge of previous scientists. This iterative process led to advancements in various areas of physics, such as classical mechanics, electromagnetism, quantum mechanics, and relativity. Additionally, the invention of new technologies and tools allowed for the exploration of phenomena at different scales, from the microscopic to the cosmic.

Was there wise-women in the medieval ages?

Through out the history of man there have always been wise women in society.

What were beliefs about salvation during the middle ages?

The Catholic church was the only religion in the middle ages and it taught that man was born in sin and to reach heaven he needed to do as the church told him. The church was seen as the "middle man" between man and God. If a person was excommunicated by the church he/she would not be saved and that there would be no salvation for them.

Is Islamic religion mortal or immortal?

Mortal. All religions are of man. Man is mortal, all ideas change. Therefore, in direct correlation, Islam is mortal. It will die and/or change, as all other religions will/have.

How many syllables are in the seven ages of man?

In the words "The seven ages of man" there are seven syllables.

What are the different stone ages of man?

the different stone ages of man are the Paleolithic Period, And The Neolithic Period

Why man called philosopher?

because he speaks long words with unusual ideas and often has plans to change the status quo.

What are the three central ideas in Christianity?

Man is sinful, sin separates man from a relationship with God, Jesus came and through His death made it possible for man to have a relationship with God again,

What is the duration of Young Man with Ideas?

The duration of Young Man with Ideas is 1.42 hours.

When was Young Man with Ideas created?

Young Man with Ideas was created on 1952-05-02.