Without a doubt it certainly did. The outcome of the battle resulted in destruction of the entire German 6th Army which contained around 300,000 men. With the Army group forces split during the battle, it enabled the soviets to pick them off one by one which physically and morally destroyed Hitler's forces.
by using battleships
It affected the war by giving advantage to the North.
Ø The Russian winter came in at -40 degrees, the Germans were not used to fighting in these conditions and had little winter provisions.
With the Americans blocking the land and the French blocking the sea the British knew that they had to surrender, this one battle led directly to end of the war. Actually the war lasted a good year after the battle of Yorktown, yet many people don't know of this fact.
Without a doubt it certainly did. The outcome of the battle resulted in destruction of the entire German 6th Army which contained around 300,000 men. With the Army group forces split during the battle, it enabled the soviets to pick them off one by one which physically and morally destroyed Hitler's forces.
Not at all.
it didnt
by using battleships
It started the Revolutionary War.
It affected the war by giving advantage to the North.
Well it helped deal with the south and the slavery problem.
It effectively destroyed a major Confederate army and liberated Tennessee.
Ø The Russian winter came in at -40 degrees, the Germans were not used to fighting in these conditions and had little winter provisions.
It raised Northern morale and helped Lincoln win re-election.
How did the outcome of the scope trial affect the teaching of science in school?
No, the lack of ammunition was the decisive reason the colonial men lost. They were finally overpowered by the British and it was a blood bath.