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Q: How did local people feel about medieval castles?
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How did the people in the renaissance feel about Medieval time?

The people in the renaisance were tired of the views and the ideas of the medieval time, and thought the medieval people had a pessimistic view on things.

Who invented castles?

Well there were people called 'castlers' who worked in the castles ... They were rather small and had a very big mustache that was bigger than their whole body which meant that they fell over alot. The people would walk about getting soup for the people who lived in the castles and would often spill the soup on the mustache which meant they had to go and wash it, which was a chore of its own.

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Do you want to know what bouncy castles are made out of , well i will tell you they are made out of metal but you cant feel it!! im not lying

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Local Band Feel was created in 1992.

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Due to racism many local communities feel disconnected. Some people believe that racism is a barrier of growth.

What does rodger do that upsets the littluns?

Roger throws stones at the littluns, destroying their sand castles and causing them to feel intimidated and scared.

How did Normans built castles?

The Norman nobility needed to feel safe from Saxon attacks in a similar way to celebrities nowadays having CCTV and fences and other equipment to protect them from kidnapping. Castles were first made out of wood & earth. These were called motte & bailey castlesThen castles evolved and became stone structures, forts.

What jester's a jester?

A jester is somebody who jests, jokes, or mocks - or someone dressed in bright clothes who amused a medieval court.

Why did most Medieval philosophers and scientists feel that experimentation was unnecessary?

Medieval philosophers and scientists typically studied theology, as well. This was considered to be the final authority on all matters.

Did the layers of walls in castles help to store heat?

Castle walls were not intended to store heat. Part of the problem of castles was that most of the rooms in them were not heated at all, and in most castles the parts that were heated needed open windows or louvers in the roof to let the smoke out because they did not have chimneys. When people say they were cold and drafty, they are telling the truth. Stone also conducts heat pretty efficiently, so even in modern times, with windows and heaters that do not give off smoke into rooms, they tend to feel cold.

How do you happy when i am lonely?

You are not lonely, you feel alone. There are many ways to be happy. Find a hobby or get a job. Volunteer at local care stations. You cannot feel alone if you are around people and get to know them better as friends.

Where can people stay when they get abused?

Catholic Charities, Red Cross, Local Shelters, many options depending on what the abuse was and how it made you feel. Good Luck.