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Q: How did life change for most European peasants of 1700?
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How did life for Western European peasants differ from life for Eastern European peasants in the 1700s?

By the 1700's there were no peasants in Europe. It was a different world.__Nonsense. There were many peasants in Europe during that period.The link below describes what you are looking for. The background is appauling and makes it a little hard to read, but it has all the information you are looking for. In a nutshell, life for any peasant could be harsh. However, as time progressed, peasants in Eastern Europe experienced a much more brutal life. There was an enforced lifestyle - basically the peasants were still owned by the landowner and he could behave as he wished:In eastern Europe during the seventeenth century the rights of the peasants were taken away. As a labor shortage swept eastern Europe workers became a necessity and as a result the movement of peasants was restricted. Peasants lost their land and were forced into more obligations for their lords. Between 1500 and 1650 conditions worsened and serfs could be killed for nothing

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Plains?? :)

What clothing did poor women wear in the 1700's?

They wore garments that were all worn out and brown, the rich people wore robes and very fancy materials that the peasants couldn't get there hands on for the life of them!

How premchand depicts the life of peasants in the novel godan?

He showed that all peasants are foolish so they are brutally suffered.

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this created religiouse deversity.......................................................:) <--- GENIUS

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life was really good

What was life like for the peasants in the 1500s?

Life was difficult for the peasants in the 1500s. Infant mortality was very high and life expectancy was not very high either.

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What the novel Tell us about the life of peasants during the great depression?

godan tells us about the life of peasants during great depression

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