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Q: How did leaders like Stalin and Mao Zedong contribute to the rise of communism in China and soviet union?
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Which pair of leaders used political purges?

Joseph Stalin and Mao Zedong

Who is an example communism leader?

Vladimir Lenin - Soviet union Joseph Stalin - Soviet Union Mao Zedong - China Fidel and Raul Castro - Cuba Boleslaw Bierut - Poland However what Marx and Engels wrote in the Communist Manifesto did not match what communism actually turned into. Many Leaders such as Stalin etc turned it into something different as to what was intended and therefore many such as Stalin, Mao and the Castros wouldn't be considered by Marx or Engels to be communist in the way that they were e.g. Mao had his own branch of communism - Maoism as did Stalin - Stalinism etc. The leader who was most in line with the original theory of communism was Lenin and therefore is probably the best example of a communist leader.

How did the Cultural Revolution contribute to the rise of Deng Xiaoping after Mao Zedong's death?

Answer this question… The chaos it created allowed leaders who strongly disagreed with Mao Zedong to rise to power.

How did Cultural Revolution Contribute to the rise of Deng Xiaoping after Mao Zedong's death?

Answer this question… The chaos it created allowed leaders who strongly disagreed with Mao Zedong to rise to power.

Who is associated with communism?

If you are referring to people here are a few: Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Josef Stalin, Vladimir Lenin and Mao Zedong.

What is Mao Zedong's leadership style?


What is Zedong famous for?

Bring communism to China

What people are associated with communism?

Marx and EngelsThose two should come immediately to mind. Then there's Lenin, Stalin, Mao Zedong (Tse-Tung), and Castro, to name the most infamous and murderous ones.:) your welcome

What was Mao Zedong´s plan to make everyone equal called?

Communism. Although Mao Zedong's brand of Communism differed from traditional Marxism-Leninism in that the peasantry took the place of the proletariat as the revolutionary vanguard. Zedong's take on Communism is often referred to as "Maoism".

Did Mao Zedong visit Stalin in Moscow?


What is Mao Zedong famous for?

Bring communism to China

How did Mao Zedong hear about communist?

he heard about it from Stalin (soviets)