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Kristallnacht was the first instance of large-scalegovernment-sponsored violence against the Jews in Nazi Germany and followed a hailstorm of anit-Jewish decrees, which made it increasingly difficult for them to earn a living. Kristallnacht made it very obvious to German Jews that they were no longer physically safe in Germany and there was a stampede to get out of the country.

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Hitler sent the Nazis to break all Jewish shops. It obviously showed other people that if they liked Jews, something like that would happen to them too.

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Q: How did kristallnacht increase the threat against jews?
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Did kristallnacht increase the threat against Jews?

Hitler sent the Nazis to break all Jewish shops. It obviously showed other people that if they liked Jews, something like that would happen to them too.

How did kristallnacht increase the threat against?

Hitler sent the Nazis to break all Jewish shops. It obviously showed other people that if they liked Jews, something like that would happen to them too.

How did kristallnacht demonstrates Nazi the persecution of Jews?

By the issue that it was an action of Nazis against Jews.

How did Krystallnacht increase the threat against Jews?

Nazi Authorities Destroyed Jewish Businesses.

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The Nazis had a major problem with the Jews and this is still remembered many years later. The rampage took place in 1938 and it is called the Kristallnacht.

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How did krisallnacht increase the threat against Jews?

It gave the impression that there was public support for the anti-Jewish actions and legislation.

How did Kristallnacht demonstrate Nazi persecution of Jew's?

By the issue that it was an action of Nazis against Jews.

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Why was Kristallnacht a critical event for Jews living under Nazi control?

The Kristallnacht was the first organized Nazi pogrom against the Jews. For the first time there was widespread, organized, physical violence against the Jews in Germany during the Nazi period. German Jews were left in no doubt that they were no longer safe in Germany. (There had been several, isolated incidents before that).

What spurred Hitler to order the violent attacks against Jews that became known as kristallnacht?

The murder of a German diplomat

Why did Hitler order Kristallnacht?

Hitler ordered Kristallnacht as an excuse to get rid of Jews, or capture Jews that had been individually selected to be arrested.