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Q: How did kristallnacht affect people?
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How did the events known as kristallnacht affect Jews living in Germany?

It led to the mass removal of Jews to Nazi concentration camps.

When was Kristallnacht - album - created?

Kristallnacht - album - was created in 1993.

Which event resulted in the mass removal of Jews to nazi concentration camps?

Implementation of Kristallnacht

Do people place a candle in the window Nov 9 in memory of kristallnacht?

No. It was the beginning of the 'prelude' to the Holocaust.

What does kristallnacht demonstrate about the power of the Nazi's?

Kristallnacht is the best example of the 'smoke and mirrors' theory on the Nazi dicatatorship. That the whole government was based on a falsehood, on the people's belief of what they were, rather than what they actually were. Kristallnacht was portrayed as the people taking revenge against the Jews, who had harmed them so much, where as in reality it was only (mainly) people who were told to by the party that undertook the actions. This demonstrates that the power of the Nazis was always in question, they were always worried that the people would not support them and in fact they were not a Dictatorship at all.

What are the release dates for Kristallnacht - 1979?

Kristallnacht - 1979 was released on: USA: 1979 (Canyon Cinema)

What was the Nazis rampage against the Jews?

The Nazis had a major problem with the Jews and this is still remembered many years later. The rampage took place in 1938 and it is called the Kristallnacht.

What did society learn from kristallnacht?

Society does not learn. It was portrayed that Kristallnacht was the fault of the Jews and they were made to pay to clean up afterwards.

What was the night of the shattered glass?

Kristallnacht or Reichskristallnacht is German for the night when the Nazis attacked Jewish people, property and synagogues. Literally "crystal night" due to the amount of shattered glass left on the ground.

What did the police do about the kristallnacht?

they were ordered not to interfere.

What do the terms Kristallnacht and Endloesung mean?

1. Kristallnacht - Night of the Broken Glass 2. Endloesung - Final Solution (of the Jewish question).

Did the German military strategy kristallnacht exploited new advances?

Kristallnacht had nothing to do with military strategy. Please see related question.