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Q: How did king William train his army?
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How did king William train his army for 1066?

he invaded little villages in France to train his men

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What day was the 25th December 1066?

On Monday 25th December 1066, William the Duke of Normandy overthrew the Anglo-Saxon's army (With the help of his army) and became the new king

How did king Harold heard about Williams army?

There is much legend about how King Harold heard about William's army approaching. Basically, he was told through the grapevine to expect the coming of the army.

Who is William duke of normanday?

William Duke of Normandy, was the leader of the French army who beat the Anglo-Saxon army at the Battle of Hastings in 1066. He declared himself to be king and was crowned William 1 and became known as William the Conqueror.

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They hired Westerners to train army They sent students to study abroad

Which people did William the conqueror kill?

There is no historic record that William the Conquerer killed anyone personally with his own hands. At the Battle of Hastings in 1066 William's invading army killed many defenders of England in the army of King Harold.

Who was at the Battle of Hastings?

The Norman invasion army of William of Normandy was met by King Harold of England.

Why was William Duke of Normandy a successful military commander?

he was the king of Normandy and led his army to victory

What did king Harold do when William had landed near Hastings?

Formed an army and marched south to do battle with him.

Who was Bishop Odo?

Bishop Odo was born in about 1036 he was king William's half brother. In 1066 William ivaded England and Odo was in the army he apperently contributed 100 ships to Williams army.

What key events did William of Normandy do to be king of England?

He defeated the Anglo-Saxon army of Harold 1 in October 1066. Harold was killed during the battle which allowed William to become king.