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Q: How did john Locke persuade people?
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Who believe that people had the right to remove a government that did not protect their rights?

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In 1690 who stated that a government can only be run by the people?

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Who said that government purpose was to protect people natural rights?

john Locke

WHO SAID People have natural rights that the government should protect.?

john Locke

What political philosopher wrote that people have a natural right to life liberty and property?

Thomas Jefferson said the words "life liberty and the pursuit of happiness" in the Declaration of Independence.

How were the rights of the people protected according to john Locke?

John Locke said that his laws and beliefs should not be changed.

Who believed that all men are born free and are basically good?

john Locke

What are the names of John Locke's parents?

John and Anne Locke.

What was John Locke's country?

John Locke was from England.

What did Locke's believe in?

john Locke believed that all people had rights that no government could take away. John Locke expressed this in 3 ways life, liberty and property.

Which American founder base their new governments on the ideas of this enlightenment philosopher?

john Locke