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The industrial revolution transformed economies from being primarily agricultural to being industrial and higher tech. It also helped move along the process of globalization.

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Urbanization impacted the US economy by reducing dependance on agriculture.

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Q: How did industrialization affect cities in US?
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The three phases of Northern Industrialization affected the growth of cites by leading to more job opportunities. With more jobs available, more people moved to the cities looking for work. This caused cities to grow.

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The three phases of Northern Industrialization affected the growth of cites by leading to more job opportunities. With more jobs available, more people moved to the cities looking for work. This caused cities to grow.

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How did the industrialization revolution affect cities?

The Industrial Revolution affected the population and growth of cities. It also brought about pollution and overcrowding due to the factories being built around a central source of energy.

What effect did industrialization and the factory system have on the US?

Industrialization and the factory system led to economic growth and urbanization in the US, as well as the expansion of industries like textiles, steel, and railroads. It transformed the country from an agrarian economy to a manufacturing one, creating new job opportunities but also contributing to poor working conditions and labor disputes.

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The suburbs added a new living space that wasn't in the city (CBD). It also was for the middle class that emerged due to industrialization.

How did the three phases of industrialization affect the growth of the cities?

Cities grew, at least between the period of dispersed protoindustrialisation and that of industrial decline. But what three phases of industrialisation are they? It's a bit like asking what are the three phases of a hairbrush.

How did the three phases of industrialization affect the growth of cities?

Cities grew, at least between the period of dispersed protoindustrialisation and that of industrial decline. But what three phases of industrialisation are they? It's a bit like asking what are the three phases of a hairbrush.

In the early 20th century the US population began moving to cities in greater numbers This movement was caused by industrialization which created?

More job opportunities in cities, better wages, and improved living conditions. The industrialization led to the growth of urban areas and attracted people seeking economic opportunities.

What effects did industrialization have on cities?

Industrialization had a significant effect on cities, including an increase in population. More people moved from rural areas to the cities to find work. Also, there was an increase in pollution because of outputs from the factories.

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