which civilization
creating barriers to the outside world
First the Greek, later the Roman culture.
As they were 2 of the 3 first major greek civilizations (the first was the Cycladic) their influence was great.The Minoan civ specially in maritime technology and in architecture and the Mycenaean civ in language and in the organization of the state.
Separate city-states developed
which civilization
The Ancent Egyptian civilization influenced the Ancient Greek civilization.
by the different rulers
creating barriers to the outside world
First the Greek, later the Roman culture.
As they were 2 of the 3 first major greek civilizations (the first was the Cycladic) their influence was great.The Minoan civ specially in maritime technology and in architecture and the Mycenaean civ in language and in the organization of the state.
Separate city-states developed
somebody answer
Katherine Clarke has written: 'Between Geography and History' -- subject(s): Ancient Geography, Civilization, Geography, Ancient, Greece, Greek influences, Historiography, Rome
After the end of the ancient Greek civilization, belief in the Greek gods declined and their worship faded away. The gods were no longer actively worshipped and their influence in society diminished.
it was not the Geography of Greece which influenced western civilisation. It was Greek civilisation and the fact that the Greeks migrated out of Greece. They migrated to western Turkey, southern Italy and Sicily and they founded Marseilles in southern France. Thus, they created a Greek world which extended beyond mainland Greece. The Greeks influenced the peoples who lived near then. They also influenced the Romans. It is though this influence of the Romans that the Greeks later influenced western civilisation.