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Q: How did farmers celebrate in 1820?
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Legislature that lowered the price of land to aid western farmers?

One result of the Panic of 1819 was the passage of the Land Act of 1820, which in part, lowered the price of land in order to help farmers. It was enacted on April 24.

Where did Americans live AND WORK IN THE 1820?

Most american's lived in cabins and they worked in factories or were farmers.

How did people celebrate Christmas in Maine in the 1700s?

Christmas in MaineMaine didn't exist until 1820. Just saying. But from what I could find, Christmas in the 1700's was basically how we celebrate it today, on a smaller scale.

How does Indonesia celebrate the harvest festival?

Farmers offer thanks and pray for a bountiful harvest.

Do serfs celebrate Hanukkah?

there is no historical evidence to prove that they did

To celebrate arbor day you should do what?

by planting a tree because arbor day is when the farmers move to America and started to cut all the trees so they made a holiday which means you celebrate by planting trees .

Who came up with Chinese New Year?

Nobody really knows but, legend says that farmers started it to celebrate the start of spring.

What has the author Don Frisch written?

Don Frisch has written: 'Celebrate the harvests!' -- subject(s): Farm produce, Farmers' markets, Marketing

Why do you celebrate harvest?

We celebrate harvest to thank all the farmers that grow all the food that comes to our table. Its a time for thanking god, farmers,the people that work in factories, everyone who goes and helps get food toour table. Its a time to share everything and think about other people around the world who haven't got fresh food or clean water!

What day did Maine became a state?

Maine became the 23rd state on March 15, 1820.

What is 2009 minus 1820?

2009 - 1820 = 189

What is the answer to 1848 minus 1820?

1848 - 1820 = 28