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Q: How did events in Domingo influence American expansion?
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What events in Santo Domingo influence American expansion?

Haitain Independence

How did events in Santo Domingo influence American expansion?

Events in Santo Domingo ended Napoleon's dream of a Western empire. Inspired by the ideas of the French Revolution, enslaved Africans and other laborers in Santo Domingo had revolted against the island's plantation owners.

How did events in Santo Domingo or Haiti influence American expansion?

Events in Santo Domingo (now the Dominican Republic) and Haiti had a significant influence on American expansion in the 19th century. The U.S. was interested in acquiring these territories due to their strategic location in relation to American trade and security in the Caribbean. American expansion into the Caribbean was also fueled by the desire to establish economic dominance and secure control over the region's resources.

How did events in santo domingo(haiti) influence American expansion?

Events in Santo Domingo ended Napoleon's dream of a Western empire. Inspired by the ideas of the French Revolution, enslaved Africans and other laborers in Santo Domingo had revolted against the island's plantation owners.

How did events in Santo Domingo (Haiti) influence American expansion?

Events in Santo Domingo ended Napoleon's dream of a Western empire. Inspired by the ideas of the French Revolution, enslaved Africans and other laborers in Santo Domingo had revolted against the island's plantation owners.

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